Over the last few years I have crawled the Internet, networked with other moms, and interrogated tour guides to create a field trip list for Middle Tennessee. Started because we had family visiting from out of the country, the list has grown and continues to grow with an addition once a week. We have joined almost every field trip group in our area from the Baptists to the Unschoolers and we are looking for more!
I would love to organize this list further - making it beautiful, rating our favorites, and noting the ones we have not yet visited. If anyone would like to kudos their favorites, feel free to leave comments so others can glean from your experiences. If anyone wants to copy the list and post it elsewhere, I much approve. I don't know what I would have done without all my fellow moms, homeschoolers, researchers, tour guides, and bloggers who share pieces of the lives with me. Keep the information moving!
The most awesome part about going on field trips is learning more about our incredible Creator. He weaves all things together and does it all with everlasting love.
To Him who made the heavens with skill,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting;
To Him who spread out the earth above the waters,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting;
To Him who made the great lights,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting:
The sun to rule by day,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting,
The moon and stars to rule by night,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting...
To Him who smote great kings,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting,
And slew mighty kings,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting...
Who remembered us in our low estate,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting,
And has rescued us from our adversaries,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting;
Who gives food to all flesh,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Give thanks to the God of heaven,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Psalm 136:5-9,17-18,23-26
The Oaklands Museum - http://www.oaklandsmuseum.org/
Belle Meade - http://www.bellemeadeplantation.com/ - 615-356-0501
- Homeschool Days - http://www.bellemeadeplantation.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=42&Itemid=75
Governor’s Executive Residence - 615-741-2784 - http://www.tennesseeanytime.org/governor/Residence.do, http://www.tnvacation.com/vendors/governors_executive_residence/
Belmont Mansion - http://www.belmontmansion.com - 615-460-5459
Historic Cragfont - (Castalian Springs, TN -7 miles east of Gallatin) - http://www.tnvacation.com/vendors/historic_cragfont/, http://www.cragfont.com/index.html -615-452-7070
Hermitage - http://www.thehermitage.com/ - 615-889-2941
Sam Davis Home - http://www.samdavishome.org/
- Spring 1800's days
The Carter House - http://www.carter-house.org/ - 615-791-1861
Carnton Plantation - http://www.carnton.org/ - 615-794-0903
Travellers Rest Plantation - http://www.travellersrestplantation.org/LC/index.htm
Cheekwood Home
Bowen Plantation House - http://www.tnvacation.com/vendors/bowen_plantation_house/ - 615-859-3678
Nashville Zoo
- Croft House
Lotz House (Franklin) - http://www.lotzhouse.com/
Leiper's Fork Village - http://www.leipersforkvillage.com/
Tennessee State Capitol, 615-741-0830
Cannonsburgh (Murfreesboro) - http://www.murfreesborotn.gov/government/parks_rec/cannonsburgh_events.htm#tours
Old fashioned water powered mill - (Belvedere)
I Spy Franklin - http://www.nowplayingnashville.com/event/detail/113359
- http://www.franklinonfoot.com/
McLemore House African-American Museum ($5)- http://nashville.metromix.com/museums/history/mclemore-house-african-american-franklin/527816/content
Fort Nashborough - 615-862-8400
Rock Castle - (Hendersonville) - 1700's home - http://www.historicrockcastle.com/thesitearchitecture.aspx - 615-824-0502
Shakers at South Union - http://www.shakermuseum.com/events/
Manskers Station - (Goodlettsville) - Pioneer Village http://www.cityofgoodlettsville.org/index.aspx?nid=110 - 615-859-FORT (3678)
Constitution Village (Huntsville, AL) - http://www.earlyworks.com/the-museums/constitution-village
Fort Loudon (Vonore, TN - over 3hr) - http://fortloudoun.com/
Tennessee State Museum - http://tnmuseum.org, http://www.nashville.com/attractions/tennesseestatemuseum/
(awesome free museum under TPAC - just took family there)
TC Railway Museum - http://www.tcry.org/whoweare.htm
Military Museum - http://www.tnmuseum.org/exhibitions/military.htm
Ellington Agriculture Museum - http://tnagmuseum.org/ - 615-837-5197
Williamson County Archives and Museum (FREE) - http://www.williamson-tn.org/co_gov/depts/archives/default.html
Natchez Trace- http://www.natcheztracepowwow.com/
- Powwow
Dunbar Cave State Park (Clarksville, TN) - http://www.stateparks.com/dunbar_cave.html
- Ancient Native American site
Global Education Center - http://www.globaleducationcenter.net/
- arts/music/dance multi-cultural classes (African, Polynesian, etc.)
Kingdom Academy of the Arts (camps and pioneer/indian days) - http://www.kingdomacademyofthearts.com/
Jack Daniel Distillery (Lynchburg) - http://www.tnvacation.com/vendors/jack_daniel_distillery/
Bicentennial Mall - http://tennessee.gov/environment/parks/Bicentennial/index.shtml
- fall history festival
Stones River National Battlefield - http://www.nps.gov/stri/planyourvisit/lh.htm
Lane Motor Museum - http://lanemotormuseum.org/cgi-bin/search.pl/news?
Amish community - http://www.amishwelcomecenter. com/
The Farm - (Summertown) http://www.thefarm.org/general/visit.html
Farmer's Market - http://nashvillefarmersmarket.org/visit_the_market/
Arrington Vineyards - (Arrington outside of Franklin) - www.arringtonvineyards.com
Hatcher Family Dairy - http://www.hatcherfamilydairy.com/default.aspx?tabid=475
MTSU Dairy -
Local Farms - http://www.localharvest.org/search.jsp?map=1&lat=35.928406&lon=-86.805538&scale=10&zip=37067
Sumner Crest Winery - (Portland, TN) - August Grape Stomp - http://www.sumnercrestwinery.com/events.php
Morning Glory Apple Orchard (Nolensville) - http://www.morninggloryorchard.com/tours.htm
Golden Bell Blueberry Farm - http://www.agriculture.state.tn.us/Marketing.asp?QSTRING=DETAIL&DISPLAY=30
Forgies Fruit Farm - (Lewisburg) http://www.forgiesfruitfarm.com/
- peaches
Tennessee Aquarium (Chattanooga) - http://www.tnaqua.org/KidsTeachers/Homeschool.asp
Service Opportunities for Small Groups in Murfreesboro - 893-2141 or ajackson@murfreesborotn.gov
Murfree Spring (Discovery Center, Murfreesboro) - http://www.murfreesborotn.gov/default.aspx?ekmenu=126&id=4168 - 615-890-2300
- http://www.discoverycenteronline.org/groups.html
Warner Nature Center - http://www.nashville.gov/parks/wpnc/
Rangers at State Parks
Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency, Ellington Ag Ctr, educational programs
Nashville Nature Centers
- Warner Park Nature Center
Shelby Bottoms Nature Center
Bells Bend Outdoor Center
Beaman Park Nature Center
Wilderness Station at Barfield Crescent Park - (Murfreesboro) http://www.murfreesborotn.gov/default.aspx?ekmenu=126&id=3286&terms=wilderness+station
- WOW!
- camping $5/person (tent provided)
Murfreesboro Greenway System - http://www.murfreesborotn.gov/default.aspx?ekmenu=316&id=6328
Natchez Trace click on info, http://www.nps.gov/natr
- Ranger programs
Aquarium Restaurant - behind the scenes tour - www.aquariumrestaurants.com
- http://www.aquariumrestaurants.com/aquariumnashville/education.html
- Marine Biologist for a Day ($25) - http://www.nowplayingnashville.com/event/detail/115855
- Aquarium Restaurant - 615.514.FISH
- http://www.aquariumrestaurants.com/aquariumnashville/events/marineBio.html
Cheekwood - 615-356-8000
Kid's Adventure Cruise (Ashland City) - http://www.nowplayingnashville.com/event/detail/111515
Owl's Hill Nature Sanctuary - http://www.owlshill.org
- Homeschool Days: http://www.owlshill.org/homeschool
Creation Museum (Petersburg, KY) - http://www.creationmuseum.org/
Dunbar Cave State Park (Clarksville, TN) - http://www.stateparks.com/dunbar_cave.html
Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory - http://www.nowplayingnashville.com/event/detail/103079
-Kid's Exploration Nights
-astronomy roadshow
Space Ctr in Huntsville
- free with Adventure Science Membership
Sudekum Planetarium
- http://www.sudekumplanetarium.com/
Peachtree Farm (Arrington) - http://www.peachtreefarms.com/
Harlinsdale Farm - http://www.franklin-gov.com/parks/harlinsdale.html
- horses/public park/museum? - TN walking horses
Dinosaur World (Cave City, KY) - www.dinoworld.net
Cripple Creek Farm- exotic animals - http://www.boropulse.com/default.asp?sourceid=&smenu=120&twindow=Default&mad=No&sdetail=&wpage=&skeyword=&sidate=&ccat=&ccatm=&restate=&restatus=&reoption=&retype=&repmin=&repmax=&rebed=&rebath=&subname=&pform=&sc=1911&hn=boropulse&he=.com
Nashville Zoo - http://www.nashvillezoo.org/education_programs_detail.asp?eduID=15
- Homeschool Education classes Thursday and Friday afternoons during school year
Alpaca Farms http://www.tnalpaca.org/TAA4Visit.html
- Mistletoe Farm Alpacas Tom & Leanne Butchko Franklin TN 37064 3.73 http://www.ideal-alpaca.com/alpaca-farm/-319.htm
High Meadow Alpacas, Llc Michael & Charlotte Goldston Franklin TN 37064 11.90
Hickory Bluff Farms Bill & Ruth Fuqua Mount Juliet TN 37122 29.22
Kozy Kountry Alpacas Richard & Konnie Miller Milton TN 37118 30.48
Alpaca Creek Farm Jacki Robert & Richard Kensky Hendersonville TN 37075 33.79
Long Hollow Suri Alpacas Karl & Jan Heinrich Gallatin TN 37066 34.98
Island Overlook Farms Lisa & Barry Hertan Lebanon TN 37087 47.77
Music City Alpacas - (Antioch) http://www.localharvest.org/farms/M7785
Hidden Springs Farm - http://www.hiddenspringsfarms.com/
Fiber and herb farm
New Era Fiber - http://www.newerafiber.com/
Fiber Alpaca farm and mill
Wildlife Rescue
Raccoons, Fawns, Squirrels, Hawks, Owls
Harmony Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (Fairview)
Carol Burgess
Possums, Squirrels, Groundhogs, Adult Songbirds
Creekside Wildlife (Fairview)
Jennifer Varden
Small Mammals ONLY
Lisa Butler (Franklin)
Deborah Dorsey (Madison)
Any Wild Creature
James R. Talbott, DVM (Nashville)
Nashville Zoo at Grassmere (Nashville)
Richard Schwartz
Walden's Puddle - Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation (Joelton) 299-9938 http://www.waldenspuddle.org/index.html
TWRA (Nashville)
Discovery Center (Murfreesboro) - http://www.discoverycenteronline.org/
Adventure Science Museum - http://www.adventuresci.com/ 615-862-5160
Nashville Airport ? - (615) 275-1675
Steinway - http://www.steinwaynashville.com/contact/saturdays.php
Fiddle and Pick - http://fiddleandpick.ning.com/
Musical Heritage Center of Middle Tennessee (Pegram)
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, 615-416-2001
Ryman Auditorium - http://www.ryman.com/
Schermerhorn Symphony - tours, children's programs, rehearsals
Nashville Children's Theater - http://www.nashvillechildrenstheatre.org/ - 615-254-9103
- homeschool workshops: http://www.nashvillechildrenstheatre.org/orange/homeschl.htm
TPAC HOT series
Parthenon - art collection, Greek architecture, etc.
Tennessee Fiber Festival (FREE - Fee for workshops - Dickson and Cannonsburgh in Murfreesboro) - http://www.tnfiberfestival.com/
Arts Center of Cannon County - (Woodbury, TN) - http://www.artscenterofcc.com/school.htm
Frist Art Museum - (615) 244-3340
The Renaissance Center - (Dickson) - http://www.rcenter.org/Home/FieldTrips/default.asp
- Referred by Mandy Ray-Jones
- state-of-the-art facility utilizing the latest technology to promote a variety of educational programs and initiatives
Camp Tandy (Nashville) - Leatherworking - 615-833-1635 or toll free 877-833-1635
nashville@tandyleat her.com
Kingdom Academy of the Arts - (Bell Buckle) - http://www.kingdomacademyofthearts.com/
- art camps and party options
SCUBA party - http://www.mtss.net/pool_parties.html
Centennial SportsPlex - http://www.nashville.gov/sportsplex/ice_home_school.htm
Pool party
The Monkeys Tree House ($7/kid) - http://www.themonkeystreehouse.com/
Nashville Superspeedway - (Lebanon) - http://www.tnvacation.com/vendors/nashville_superspeedway/
Nissan (Smyrna) - must be over 10 - http://www.rutherfordchamber.org/cvb/visitors/what-to-see/what-to-see-detail.php?PRKey=12
http://www.tennessee.gov/environment/parks/events/ (state park events)
Wow! What a great list--thanks for sharing. :)
Don't forget Madison Creek Farms (where we first met!).
Under drama there are several places to add, like the Renaissance center in Dickson and Cannon County Arts and Murfreesboro Little Theatre.
This is such a great list! Good job!!
wow! This was a ton of work. Did anyone add it to the files in the yahoo groups?
Under veg/fruit/dairy farms: Please change our web site to : forgiefruitfarm.com Thanks
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