Does anyone else out there have to rely on a map since they have zero sense of direction? I count myself a decent navigator, but without a map I am clueless. Having a daughter who seems to have an even WORSE sense of direction, I honestly worry about her safety as she gains more independence. So let's work on those map skills!

We purchased a continents foam map puzzle from the Dollar Tree. I like it because it's cheap and simple but the sturdiness of the puzzle leaves much to be desired. It would probably work better if I glued it to a piece of cardboard. Since the puzzle itself was a tad frustrating, my 7-year-old decided to lay out the continents on the table in their correct places. Then of course my 5-year-old wanted to do it. I was glad they found a way to enjoy the puzzle without getting frustrated with it.
* Click on Continents and Oceans
* Choose to solve as a Puzzle, with Clues, or with Labels
Recently, I read a blogger's post about painting cheap globes she found thrifting - one color for each continent. I thought it was a marvelous idea - though i have no extra globes. So what I would like to do (and probably never will) is just cut out the continents in colors that match my puzzle and stick them on the globe short term.
My 7-year-old has no trouble grasping the fact that the multi-colored North America on the globe is one continent, but my 5-year-old is having some issues. And I'm not sure the 5-year-old understands that the 2-D puzzle matches the globe at all. Too much color variation (he's always been good at order and matching colors.)
For the LORD is a great God
And a great King above all gods,
In whose hand are the depths of the earth,
The peaks of the mountains are His also.
The sea is His, for it was He who made it,
And His hands formed the dry land.
Come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
Psalm 95
I love your blog! It is great to read from other Christian mothers who use Montessori methods!
Check out my blog, I just started it about a week ago!
Montessori Moments - Thanks for your comment! I'm already following your blog. :) I've tried to comment on your posts, but the comment screen runs off the page and I can't get to the textbox. I think you can change to settings to make it a pop-up box or something. Dunno if that would help or not. Love to share ideas with you Montessori lovers!
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