Found a great
blog post of service projects for kids. A couple of her ideas included sending colorings and cards to sick kids and the elderly. Addresses are provided via
Color A Smile and
Make A Child Smile. ColorASmile provides the coloring pages - some blank and some not - and then they send out the finished pages after receiving them from you. MakeAChildSmile gives guidelines, but the cards are sent directly to the sick child.
May service be ingrained in our children by our Heavenly Father and may we not mistakenly rely on our own strength or abilities!
Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:11
Thank you for your comment about quiet as a mouse. I will definitely try that! It looks like I have another wonderful blog to explore! I'm pretty sure I've been to your blog before but I plan to look at it more closely.
love this idea, ruby! i think we may just start sending drawings to the shut ins at our church. :)
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